• Roni Lipstein posted an update 6 years, 2 months ago

    ” For the younger folk [mostly but not entirely 😉 ]

    Regarding manifesting our ‘dreams’, ‘visions’, ‘goals in life’…..

    I say ‘younger folk’ not to delineate a value of lesser or greater than — the most enlightening journey I have experienced has been under the tutelage of my son — from the time he was conceived…..

    I say ‘younger folk’ only because those of us who have ‘been around the block’ a few more times, have a certain wisdom that only comes from the opportunity of experience……

    I’m going to be welcoming a new ‘number’ into my life in a few short days — 46 — 46 trips around the sun that I have taken upon the beayouty that is our Mamma Gaia…… [i still feel like a “younger folk” myself btw 😉 ]

    When i was ‘much’ younger i had Great Vision for my life, what I was to accomplish here, my purpose for beingness, and …..in sooooo many ways, I have honoured that vision even though — the fullness of that vision has not, as yet, materialized…….even though much of it, and in a myriad of ways i would never have imagined, again, has!

    In casual conversation the other day, with a very dear sistar to my heart and soul, I was given a reMINDer that I thought quite worthy to share with y’all……[young and old alike 😉 ]
    Thank you my sweet Cornelia Love <3

    Along our way to manifesting our "Personal Legends" our 'purpose for being', our 'visions', 'dreams', 'goals' in life, many a winding pathway may appear, and much temptations, deters, and magickal blissings along our way…..

    What began as a most excited adventure, a most daring dash into the treasures that await — the manifestations of that which we are gifted to receive as inspirations withIN [thoughts, ideas, …..] to be shared with and for the benefit of all, can begin to 'slow down' in the energetic excitement that once began this venture —
    and…..as a result — of coming upon this deter, or that magick, this blissing or that opportunity for growth — we may lose sight of the accomplishments we are actually making towards our goal — lost in the depths of commitment required, perserverance required, dedication required to manifest our visions……

    In other words……the 'work' [seen as 'work', as 'hard', etc.. because of fear based conditioning] can become so overwhelming at times, especially after 'much time' dedicated to so creating, that we stop seeing the progress we are actually making!

    This of course only creates more deters, more 'delays', and greater loss of energy, motivation, inspiration, commitment, etc… etc…

    All this to say —
    along your journeys to manifesting your heart's desires, [which we are all here to do 😉 ]
    do not lose sight of the progress You ARE making — even the little itty bitty bits of progress — even though the 'glamour', 'prestige', 'excitement' may wane, even though you had to 'bust your ass' to get there — do not let 'there' be diminished because of the 'hard knocks of life' —

    Doing so will assist to keep the spark of love's creation alive, and beeming beayoutyfull within your beingness……and thus shall the treasured gifts you came to share come to be, and benefit all of we.*** " ~~ RSL ( 2016 )

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