The Wellness Universe posted an update 6 years ago
“There Is Light At The End Of The Tunnel. There have been times, in our earth’s history, when chaos seemed to be the order of the day. Looking back on those harrowing times, we can see that, although conditions were very uncomfortable, to say the least, they did change and we, as humanity, did move forward toward a higher level of consciousness.”
~@MaryannMiller, Founder and President of the Institute for Global Transformation®, (IFGT) #WUWorldChangerExcerpt from: https://blog.thewellnessuniverse.com/wu-soul-food-heart-hugs-holiday-edition/
https://www.facebook.com/WellnessUniverse/photos/a.309705832554289/997565660434966/?type=3&theater WU_0160