• Roni Lipstein posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago

    I am ‘ being asked ‘ to share a lil about ” Spiritual Snobbery ” …..

    Part One:

    The first time I encountered this in an ‘in your face’ way, was when I heard the derogatory term, “Normie” used to refer to individuals considered “normal”, “unawakened”, “unconscious”, kinda like in the Harry Potter movies when they refer to those that are not “of magick” as “Muggels” …..

    Whilst I get the distinction being made, and why it is used — listen, labels — as with ALL things in life can serve the purposes of both good and evil 😉 in the case of distininguishing one of our family members as being consciously aware, in tune, turned on, or ……..not, I find such labels, including the term “muggel” from the Harry Potter films actually, derogatory, insulting, and unnecessarily hurtfull and worse………separating …….and …….by those whom, as we are speaking to “Spirituality”, “Consciousness”, “Awareness”, essentially, as I call it, “Namaste Love”, the entire purpose of which IS to awaken all of we to the UNITY of our Authenticity, rather hypocritical, contadictory, contraindicated, essentially, in a nut shell, not cool.

    Stay tuned for additional “parts” that asked to stream through …..

    Blissedly Be Beayouties
    With Love,