• Kristi Borst posted an update 4 years, 9 months ago

    If we are seeking more prosperity and abundance, we need to look at ways we are supporting lack. Without making that observation, we may struggle (paddling upstream against a current, and actually pushing against “the flow”); ironically, our struggle reinforces our beLIEf in lack or not enough. Look for and illuminate these feelings within yourself❣️In TRUTH you are so much more than enough (always have and always will be!). Where did that beLIEf come from? As you heal this hole within yourSelf, you heal THE WHOLE. Focus on creating abundance for The Collective (which always includes you). Explore tools (image, visual meditation) & insights ~ https://blog.thewellnessuniverse.com/spiritual-rituals-prosperity-and-abundance/ prosperity-flow-c-kristi-borst-intuitivehealingresonance.com

    If we are seeking more prosperity and abundance, we need to look at ways we are supporting lack. Wit