The Wellness Universe posted an update 4 years ago
In this article, WU World-Changer Heather Corinne Lang explains the Great Conjuction and how it’s ushering in the actual Age of Aquarius @heathercorinnelang
https://blog.thewellnessuniverse.com/awakening-age-aquarius/?fbclid=IwAR1uSg6ZiV1MhHQmCnvGyIkOyIx1NAqBkk6-NmSixG0YAiMlR_X_ByL1udkAwakening to the Age of Aquarius ⋆ The Wellness Universe BlogIn this article, WU World-Changer Heather Corinne Lang explains the Great Conjuction and how it's ushering in the actual Age of Aquarius.