• The Wellness Universe posted an update 3 years, 11 months ago

    Curious about the secrets to true happiness? Today Laura Di Franco @lauraprobertmpt has got the authors of the book, The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care: 25 Tools to Happiness. These experts offer their authentic stories and practical tools you can practice at home. Don’t miss this powerful interview!

    Ricki McKenna @rickimckenna is a Passionate Professional Certified Nutritionist, Coach and Foodie, who empowers women and men over 50 to reinvent and rejoice in their lives; enhance their health and reach their goals. For over 24 years, using food as the foundation, Ricki guides you to get what you want!

    Yvette Taylor @yvettetaylor is a best-selling author and creator of EAM – The Energy Alignment Method, an internationally recognized complementary therapy. She is on a mission to change as many lives as possible, sharing EAM globally with over 50,000 people, 100 + mentors trained to use the modality.

    Maggie Sarfo @maggiesarfo is a passionate author, speaker, and mentor for inspirational leaders & individuals bringing over 18 years’ experience to her audiences. The majority of her clients become hugely successful in life and business, or transition happily. She is CEO of Meres Consult Ltd, enjoys yoga and family beach holidays.

    JayNine Mayring @divinej9 Energy medicine expert, best-selling author, and international speaker, Divine J9 leads soulful ceremonies and teaches workshops worldwide on healing, meditation, and personal growth. She lovingly reminds us we are a product of what we feed ourselves daily, both mentally and physically, and provides simple solutions to bring us into alignment.

    This amazing book will be released on February 11th, 2021. Please join us on Circles Of Inspiration by Anna Pereira Founder of Thewellnessuniverse.com on Facebook for a little livestream launch party. And if you’re listening after the 11th, you’ll find all the book on Amazon.